Tuesday, October 27, 2009

exam week..

my com ok le..
boring n boring..
study n study..
alw 5 ppl chit chat v me..
bt dono wn 5 hu..
at lz..
i aplogize 2 sme1 le..
dat wad i had done..
strt tnkg of he...
wad am i tnkng..
at sch aso tnk..
izit he nt reli wn hurt me??
reli hop dat..
my sej die larhx..
esei lgsg dono hw 2 do!!...
hop fstr fniz exam cn go work liao..
better at hme tnk dis n dat..
alw finding reason to tnk dat he nt dat kind of ppl.
ask my fren bout smetng he had do 2 me..
my fren say..
if 1 guy wn ply de gal..
wad aso wil do..
dat mean???
wad he do 2 me aso lie??
jz PLY me!!!
izit true??
ds few day tnkng izit lk de lyrics 开始懂了...
my fren say NO!!!
he reli dat kind of ppl..
i gt rite letter 4 he..
i dono wad respons on he..
no feeling or??
nt dre 2 tnk..
mny ppl say..
dnt tink too much larhx..
i aso dwn de..
bt i cnt control my mind 2 dwn tnk he..
he alw appear in my mind..
wad 2 do??
sudenly so hop cn hilang al de ingatan..
better rite??
dwn rite le la..
rite smur..
tnk he mur..
go slp better...

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